Inclusion in the Workforce
JTraining Solutions is a minority-owned consulting firm dedicated to advancing inclusion in the workplace. We help organizations lean into the "Good Trouble" needed to realize the benefits of a diverse and inclusive workforce. Twenty years of award-winning experience makes JTraining Solutions a trusted leader and subject matter expert in workplace diversity.

Our Approach
Our unique approach to fully implement Inclusion in your organization to ensure sustainable success. We believe inclusion comes from doing the work, not just from believing in it.
What to Expect
Whether onsite facilitation/training, virtual workshops, focus groups, or C-Suite consultation, we combine our comprehensive talent knowledge and organizational behavior expertise with our experiences of what really works in the workplace to deliver implementable and sustainable techniques, strategies, and information.​
Our Clients
We have worked with clients from many different industries including healthcare, state and federal institutions, academia (colleges and universities), private corporations, community organizations, and nonprofits.​
"Joy was an engaging, knowledgeable and enthusiastic presenter-did an awesome job!"
Phillip Breedlove | Senior Manager | HealthTrust Corporate Supply Chain
"Joy was phenomenal in leading us through some difficult inclusion conversations."
Clay Culwell | Assistant Director Tennessee Department of Transportation
"Joy was a great presenter. She was very energetic and kept the presentations on track."
Diana Camacho-Lindsey | Senior People Advisor | Waste Management
"The presenter was excellent. She broached what could have been a very difficult talk rather beautifully".
Participant from HealthTrust Workshop
“Joy Johnson-Carruthers has the gift of cultivating connection and cohesion, courageous conversations: and leaning into truth and trust. Her inclusion and belonging facilitation for the Metro Nashville Police Academy yielded impressive and impactful results.”
Barbara Gunn Lartey, Esq,
Director of Community Engagement, Metro Human Relations Commission
“Joy did a tremendous job of getting everyone involved in a thoughtful and supportive manner. The exercise she conducted was truly mind opening, and caused me to really think about who I interact with and how I interact with them”.
Participant from HCA Healthcare / HealthTrust Lunch-n-Learn Workshop